Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prague / Praha!

The ancient splendor and beauty of Prague, a city beyond compare, left an impression on my imagination that will never fade - Richard Wagner

Whenever anyone asks what was so great about it, the answer is truly hard to put into words. There is just something about that city that catches your attention. It has a sort of strangeness to it that I've never felt from a city before and there is some sort of appeal that just makes you want to go back.

April 4th - left for Prague with a group of friends other than my usual American buddies (3 Greeks, 1 English, 1 Dutch, 1 Italian, 1 Mexican, 1 Canadian, and later 3 Scots and 1 Brazilian)
- this city is quite a distance from Austria because trains are so incredibly slow here - so all together about 9 hours travel time
- In Prague we stayed in the Chili hostel and I managed to take one of the old fashioned keys that locked one of the washroom doors! Sorry guys!
- We immediately headed out to do some sight seeing and were hit in the face with the amount of Absinthe sold here

Day View
Night View

Group the First night :)

Club we went to the first night

Absinth Galore
Dancing House Building by Frank O Gehry

April 5th - Day 2
- Unfortunately we had quite a bit of cold rainy weather while in Prague that none of us were so prepared for because the weather leaving Austria was beautiful - so we did miss out on quite a bit of sightseeing in Prague - the late nights probably didn't help much either
- From the sight seeing that we did this day I realized how cool the city is - everywhere you look is a different style of architecture and so much if it seemed like there was a story behind it
- Vague story of the Clock tower: So a man designed and built the clock in the 15th CE  and the people loved it so much that they didnt want him to go some where else to build another one. So they blinded him. He then got so mad that they killed himself by throwing himself into the workings of the clock causing to to break down for years and years causing it not to work until rather recently someone was able to fix it - Neat.

Told ya, Prague is strange

Old town square

Astronomical Clock

April 6th - day 3
- we made our second attempt at a waking tour this day so prepare for lots of pictures!
- a lot of the sites we saw (castles, etc.) were things that would have been great to go inside of an take individual tours of but we were such a large group and pressed for time

on the Charles Bridge
Charles Bridge
View of Prague from Castle
Old Jewish Quarters - very sad stories here
Prague Castle
interesting streets
Jewish Quarters - there are graves on top of graves on top of graves here
it was Easter time in Prague :)
I forget the name of this cathedral

that is an old dried up arm: a man once tried to steal jewels off of the Mary statue in this church and she came to life and grabbed his arm, so instead of the priest cutting off the statues arm to let him free, they cut off the mans arm! .. and it still hangs there today to show not to steal. Yeup

Powder Gate - 11th CE

State Opera House
St. Nicholas Church - gorgeous inside

approaching Charles Bridge
leading into Lesser Town - one of the coolest parts of Prague

Lesser Town

At Prague Castle

St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle

again - We werent supposed to go in here this day because there was a private procession going on apparently - but im small and they didnt see me go in - nor did i see the guards stopping everyone from going in .. so im walking in this church and it was really empty, im standing in front of the main entrance and all of a sudden the doors open with a ray of light and for some reason i had moved a bit away from the door - THANKFULLY because other wise i would have been standing directly in they way of a procession of about 10 POPE looking like priests.

Pre party in the cellar of our Hostel - last night
 So, Prague was enchanting and had an amazing night life. I'd go back in an instant.

Ps. Reality check: Pre trip I had the most trouble that I'd had in Graz since I arrived here. I had no access to money! AT ALL. NONE. It was a few days before I needed to leave for Prague and I had never had an issue using my Canadian cards to take Euro's out of the machines here. Well all of a sudden they start denying my cards saying that they are broken or invalid or something! At at this point i was running on low cash. So I immediatly had my lovely mother fedex me a new bank card hoping that that would solve the issue. Nope. Its finally the day before leave to Prague and I need a couple hundred Euros to make this trip! .. After hours and hours on the phone with a TD bank rep - We finally find a bank that should accept my credit card so i can have a cash advance. So all is well in Prague as you could see. And when i arrive back in Graz, I tried my old cards again and this time they decide to work for me without an issue. Whattttt the heck. #Exchangeproblems

Time in Between

After Prague, I then spent about a week in Graz before heading off on the next leg of my my Easter Break. By the way, we had the 1st to 22nd of April off for "Easter Holidays". For that reason alone, I would say come study in Austria.

Here is some of what I did:

Ate at a "Buschenschank" - typically you order a platter like this of all cold meats and cheese and eat it with bread and home made wine / cider - Delish .. http://www.buschenschank-schaar.at/
Saw Hauptplatz from a different angle (Main center in Graz)
This is my friend Juans picture - but i have seen this view - That is Maria Trost, a church just on the outskirts of Graz
Hung out on top of the Schlossberg - unfortunately not at this restaurant
Went to my Austrian Buddys "17th" birthday

Window shopped for traditional Austrian Fashions
Discovered a new museum

Watched tulips grow in Jakominiplatz

Easter at the Auer bakeries
Restaurant on top of the Schlossberg
Hung out in Stadt Park (City park)
Watched the Gosser beer man deliver beers to my apartment :)
This is actually when school was back on (beginning of May) - There is a center area with a wine / beer hut and lawn chairs provided by the university! Come to Graz!
Again a photo my firend took of a bustling Hauptplatz - Main square - Same building as at the top of my blog - Congress