Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I cannot believe that I haven't posted about Schöckl yet!

So about a week ago I was really anxious to get out Hiking and do a trip that was inexpensive and also a bit of a work out :) . So a few of my friends and I decided to bus to a mountain nearby Graz called Schöckl [Many of the locals thought we were trying to get to "Chocolate mountain" because of our poor pronunciation of the name which is very similar to the German word for chocolate - "Schoko"]. We have this joke about our first trip there that, "We went for a hike, and a mountain got in the way" - because of the fact that we literally had to climb rocks and hold on to tree routes to get up this thing. But I loved the mountain so much that I went again this past saturday, and luckily had much better weather (no fog) to be able to see the view of the surrounding mountains and country side. 
Schockl is 1,445m high, and has several restuarants (serving great schnitzel) and bed and breakfasts on top - not to mention homes where people live). I cannot believe how active these locals are. There were men and women of all ages nordic walking, hiking, PARAGLIDING, mountain biking, etc. Something many people might not know is that there is also an 18 hole frisbee course dispersed on top of the mountain as well :) Fun stuff. 

Here are some pictures from the first time I went (foggy) and the second time (great weather). 

above the clouds
one restaurant 

gondola down

They literally just run off the side of the mountain - amazing

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