Friday, February 17, 2012

Guess where I'm goinggggg...

Hi guys :)

So I wake up every morning here, walk down the street (rather up a hill) to my German class (which I had a little exam in today that i think i did rather well on) and I'm basically smiling from ear to ear. I love life over here. Today it was BEAUTIFUL outside. I can feel the weather warming up already (considering we had a major downpour of snow on Wednesday).

Today the girls and I walked around downtown Graz, we were looking for an outdoor patio but got a little lost in the small cobble stone ally ways - fine by me because their gorgeous - and anyways just ended up having a sausage and Puntigamer at a stand outside of city hall, followed by a pastry from "Sucger" my fave bakery that is all over town (literally I am there every day) ..

So things are great, but know what's even greater?

The fact that tomorrow I am going to VENICE for the day! .. like only in dreams can you say, "oo yah lets just pick up and go to Venice for Carnival!"

It was about 45 Euro to take a bus early tomorrow morning into Venice and we'll leave tomorrow evening after all of the Carnival activies. From my understanding Carnival is very similar to Mardis Gras in New Orleans, just on a whole other level. Here's a video from 2010 ...

So wish me Luck! I'm sure ill have many pictures to post afterwards.

And here are some random photos from the week:

1st Schnitzel on Valentinstag (Valentines day)

room where we had orientation 1


this is a pond near my house where I planned to skating however it was not shoveled :(

blizzard on wednesday


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