Thursday, February 9, 2012


lets go back to February 4th

I finally was able to meet up with my Austrian "buddy/metor" Jules :) .. she took me out and showed me around the city a bit and brought me over to her friends apartment to hang out before we went out to this local bar/pub called TamTam. It was cool to be hanging out with Jules and her friends the way they would any other night, just like i would back home, having some drinks and all that good stuff. Coming to Graz another friend of mine told me something about the Austrians drinking lots of white wine with lemonade, and all i thought was mmm ok sounds good to me. But no. this it is FAR more than just a "white wine spritzer" (as us Americans have adjusted to calling it) .. its literally a way of life over here - especially for the girls, but also the guys. And this drink, im telling you, is the secret to Europeans staying out until 7 am - where as back home we have about 4 - 5 solid hours to party. 

So when i was hanging Jules and the other girls, i learned quite a bit about what kind of music they are into over here. "Austro pop" haha this stuff cracks me up

this song literally is about hoping in the mud - quite a good beat no? haha. 
This turned into a late but amazing night and i cant wait to go out with Jules and her friends again soon :) 

Feb 5th AKA Superbowl!

obbbbviously had to sleep in this morning. Then just went out for dinner with Alison and Madison to one of the cafes and this night we stopped in at the McDonalds haha.. Ok but this is quite the classy McDonalds guys. Vases of flowers on every table? .. and a cafe bar with what look like the most delicious cakes .. have yet to try the actual burgers or fries but seeing as they are all local products im sure they are amazing, but ill save that meal for one night after TamTam :P hahah 
Then we headed out to the popular Irish bar in the city called the Office pub! oomg SIDENOTE on the way there we literally bumped into the most amazing view of this old church and alley way (see the photos below - ill steal some better pictures soon) .. this is one of my favoirite things about europe so far, finding all these hidden gems. 


So we got to the office pub and it was great! ill have to show you guys a picture its so cozy, reminds me of a little house from lord or the rings, and so did the main bar tender who was AMAZING .. giving the girls lots of free drinks . . there are a lot of differences in the austrian pubs especially with tipping - it hardly exists and what people wear when they go out here is also very funny. Its so casual, like you can wear casual clothes anyyywhere. So we met lots more americans, some austrians, and many more international students 

- all together great night and lots of jokes
- go giants :) 

Alison :)

the Umlauts!

February 6

AHHHHH THIS DAY REMINDED ME 110% why i am here! 
we had orientation and one of the student organizers was talking to us about the events that are going to take place. just take a look at this video:

So I think you should all come to Austria :) 

Later in the day Allison and I faced the challenge of grocery shopping here. O man. Ok first of all i should make a TRANSLATED list before i go out so that i know what i am even buying. Second, we should be very grateful that we get our bags packed for us in Canada because here you have to do everything all at once and you have about .5 seconds to do it or else the old lady behind you is going to swear at you in german! true story. so the store is something we have yet to concur

February 7

1st day of school! "Ich komme aus Kanada" 

more running around! Finally got a phone here guys! .. email or facebook me for the number

btw, i love how fancy even the bread is over here

and this is what you need to make a wine spritzer .. 

February 9

Last night we all went back to the Office Pub for something like "international night" so there were lots of cool people there to meet. 

Mindy, Courty and I drinking "Mindys" ;)

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