Thursday, February 2, 2012

here i am !

hey guys!
wow that was quite some trip. 
5:30 pm left Toronto - amazing flight actually no one in my row felt like i was flying first class haha

then landed in Frankfurt germany, at about 6:30 am Their time (lost 6 hours)
the airport wasn't so bad there thankfully, just followed the crowds :P

 this is my view of germany at night from the plane - beautiful

"frankfurt airport"

Then the first culture shock took place when i took the small plane from Frankfurt into Graz, Austria and EVERYONE on the plane was speaking German. This was a short flight and pretty cool cause i saw so much of the landscape there

mountains in austria from airplane

The airport in Graz was tiny, but again I had no trouble there and all my luggage arrived :) and i dont know about other airports, but EVERY taxi there was either a mercedes or an audi - quite the nice first impression. And almost everyone here drives a volkswagen, audi, mercedes or some small fiat like car.
So i made it to my room - here it is:


this is the view from my bedroom  - beautiful apartments - thats my favourite thing about here so far - these buildings are ALL different colours and their just pretty :)

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