Monday, February 13, 2012


Finally got out to do some touristy things today in Graz!

- Went up the Schloßberg ("Schlossberg") ... most amazing view. Can't wait to go back up there when its warmer out and Piknik :)
- had some hot chocolate at the Murinsel Cafe on the Mur River (video)
- walked through some gorgeous ally-ways .. and only in graz (so small) would it lead us right back to Jakominiplatz (main tram station)

Loved today .. and its only the beginning :)

ps. these pictures are very out of order

random souvenir shop with old Austrian items

entrance to the Schlossberg

you could either walk or take the lift

Minds and the Clock Tower

those trees are called Stadt Park, i live right near there

Congress? .. something like that

old old old fortress

door from the 1900's o yah - people were shorter then :) haha



theater on the Schlossberg

we see beautiful courtyards like this alllll over Austria

photo of Hitlers visit to Austria

a church

cafe on the Mur

the Wine Spritzer !

chocolate shop

these hot dog / schnitzel stands are all over the city <3

alley ways


american candy shop

you can literally buy and drink beer anywhere

way better than toronto street meet

traditional outfits

middle of graz

this is Jakominiplatz! where all of our buses/trams go to

best bakery
courtney :) 

girls before the club

school :) 


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