Sunday, February 12, 2012

happy happy happy

Hey guys,
things are becoming a lot more "normal" here in austria and its great.
I've been going to the bier baron a lot still, we're basically obsessed with their pizza - its always just a matter of decoding the menu.

Tried out an austrian club the other night and they HARDLY dance. It was really cool, just not at all my scene with the cigarettes flying all around the place but still another trial and error experience.

Today Mindy, Courtney and I went to a mass at this beautiful church near their house. Of course i forgot my camera but i dont think i could have taken pictures inside anyways. But the inside was covered from floor to cieling with beautiful carvings and colours.

After that i had my first successful trip to the grocery store :) .. All of us internationals are getting together for a Pot Luck dinner tonight and i'm bringing salad with "Kernöl" .. it's Austrian pumpkin seed oil - reminds me of balsamic- but extremely healthy and local :)

And tomorrow it's back to German class bright and early and we are finally going to hit up the "Schlossberg!" (info) which is just down the road from me, its a tall hill/mountain in the center of Graz that you can hike up or take a lift and it has this old clock tower and most importantly an amazing view of the city.

Here are some photos from the other girls' visit up there:

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